Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Santa #2

Our church had our annual Christmas party tonight. We tried to do pictures with Santa again. Ha! It was much worse than the Edmond experience!! Lynlee wouldn't even get within 20 feet of the stage let alone let me hold her next to him. So I set Kyndall in his lap and this is what happened...

Poor Kyndall was not happy! Maybe next year :).

Please notice the candy cane dress though! I bought them at a craft fair I went to. They looked so cute!

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The Mangus Family said...

we should have gone to the christmas dinner... i just couldn't leave the game. if i had only known it would turn out so badly...
it will get better with santa - last year, when she was 3, was the first year she didn't cry ;)

Emily said...

Too funny!

Anonymous said...

That was such a sight to see! I am still laughing at Lynlee who would not take her eyes off of Santa like he was going to walk across the room and get her or something! But those dresses are SO need to just get a picture of them in them in front of your tree or something.
~ Renae

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays!

Crystal said...

tooo mom has some pics of me the exact same way!
anyway I love love love the dress and would love to get one for next year. do you happen to have any contact info for the person you bought them from ?