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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

We have read to Lynlee since the day she was born. We had books with us at the hospital and took turns reading to her. I don't know if it was because of that but she loves to read. She loves to "read" the stories to us. And every night she picks out books for her and Daddy to read together before she goes to bed. Tonight one of the books she picked out was "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. After she and Daddy read the books he left the room and she was still laying on our bed "reading". I poked my head in there to tell her to come to her room for bed and stopped to listen. She was repeating the story almost word for word. I ran to get my camera and caught the very end. It is kind of hard to hear so you will have to turn your volume up. But I just thought it was so sweet.

Here is what she said in case you can't understand her :).

"One cheese, one chicken, one lollipop, one pizza, one turkey, one cupcake and one watermelon.
On Saturday he ate through one big leaf.
He went into his house and stayed inside for a whole week.
He was a beautiful butterfly."

I hope this love for reading will stay with her!!

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Brenda said...

If blogs had a "like" button, I'd definitely push it on this one!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute. I understood her...maybe because I have heard it so many times.

Anonymous said...

That was from Gran...I cannot comment to the blog very well.

Megan Ross said...

That was soooo very sweet!

Miss G said...

Yea Lynlee! Great job!! Mrs. Kelly