Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Pumpkin Patch #2

A couple of weeks ago we went to Hall's Farm Pumpkin Patch in Colleyville. We went with our Sunday school class. The girls had a great time!

Lynlee leading the way through the corn stalk maze.

Sweet Kyndall!

Lynlee getting her face painted...again!!
She picked ladybug with no persuasion from me. I tried to get her to get Elmo :).

At the end Lynlee said, "Ok, now I need to pick out a pumpkin!". I talked her into picking out a $.50 pumpkin which she paid for herself.

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mindy said...

sweet memories, precious pictures!!! i LOVE the one of all four of you:)

jennifer said...

How fun! I wish we had a pumpkin patch close to us!