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Monday, November 23, 2009

Curious George Live

We took Lynlee to see Curious George Live on Saturday. You may remember Lynlee's love for "monkey George" here, here, here and here!
She could hardly contain her excitement when we got there. She gladly posed next to Monkey George and even said cheese! :)
(I forgot my camera so I just have a few shots I took with my phone!)

I tried to capture what Lynlee's face was like during the show but my phone doesn't have a flash so this is kind of hard to see. She was literally wide eyed and opened mouth the entire show. She absolutely loved it!

She's still talking about all the silly things George did on stage.

Surprisingly Kyndall did very well also. She said very relaxed and watched the show and then fell asleep for the rest of it.

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Kinsey said...

I'm glad she had so much fun! Hope you're enjoying your break!

Miss G said...

So glad y'all had so much fun! What a neat thing to do with her! Kelly