Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The girls part 2

Looks like I am getting a little video happy :).

Kyndall has started dancing. The music comes on and her body takes over.
It cracks us up!!

The other day Lynlee and I played "school". She was Ms. Lynlee and I had to sit down like all the students. We literally went through the entire day. Arrival, circle time, snack, music, lunch, nap, dismissal. During circle time she did everything Ms. Sandra does, including this:

I didn't even know she knew this!! It cracks me up to hear her say all those big words!

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Carissa said...

Holy cow...that's impressive!

mindy said...

love those girlies!!!! i can't believe lynlee can say the pledge:)