Good News!
Every morning my students and I share our "Good News". I ask them to tell me something good that has happened to them since school yesterday. Then we applaud every child's good news. I usually only have 5 or so kids share a day and it only takes about 5 minutes (depending on how long winded your students are, and some of mind are pretty bad about going on and on.) They LOVE doing this and if I forget, they are constantly reminding me that I forgot and that we still need to do it today.
I love doing this for several reasons:
1. It allows them to figure out something good in their lives when maybe there really isn't much good to speak of.
2. It makes them aware of the good things they have and experience when they think their life stinks, when it really doesn't.
3. They always want to know my good news. So it gives me a chance to share things with them that are going on in my life.
Occasionally I will have kids make up good news. Like one day "I got an X-Box 360" and the next day "I got a PSP". Ok, no you didn't. If this happens I usually say, ok tell me some real good news.
Anyway, today while we were sharing, I had a boy share that his mom had her baby and he had a brand new sister. He was sooooo excited. So I asked him details about her. How big is she? What's her name? Did you get to hold her? When I got to the question, Does she have hair? He said Yes! And she came with a hat! I laughed and said, "Yes, they put a hat on her." and he said, "Oh!". He looked truly confused about the whole thing.

We are also going on a field trip to one of our high schools to watch their production of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." I am so excited!

I love the idea of sharing "good news!" It reminds me of Dr. Willard Tate's class at ACU. He made us make a list of 10 things we were thankful for every morning. At 7:40 am.
I miss teaching so much! Sometimes I even dream about it! I am glad you have a fun class and sharing good news is important!
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