Update with Pics
Right after we got back from Michigan, my sweet friends Lauren and Josh were in town so we met them for lunch in Kemah. They got to meet Lynlee and play with her. I miss these guys and wished they lived closer!!

Two weekends ago we decided last minute to go to Mt. Vernon, Texas to see Jason's grandparents, Meemaw and Pappaw. This is the only set of grandparents that Lynlee had not met yet. Lynlee had a good time and Meemaw and Pappaw loved having her there!

She is so PRECIOUS! I'm glad the first time in class went well. What a good baby!
It is hard to leave your baby to leave your baby in bible class for the first time- I lingered too.
what good looking friends you have! :)
L & J
I just want to eat her up!
I love those tables, we have the same ones at our church.
Okay, I know I just commented on this yesterday, but I absolutely love your new header! I am going to be calling you in the next few days to get some guidance on updating my blogs look!It looks amazing!
You asked me about my double stroller...
it is a Maclaren and I bought it off of Target.com b/c we had collected gift cards, but I prefer to buy baby gear from ebay.
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