Humidity, Mud and Rascal Flatts
I love Rascal Flatts. They are on tour right now so my precious husband, Keith and Mindy and I went to the concert last night. Great idea! When planning this we had no idea it was going to rain. We should have guessed it because we bought lawn seats but anyway. Now Houston is always humid, it has a reputation for it. But when it rains it gets ultra bad. It started raining on Friday and just rained and rained in spurts all weekend. Well we went to supper before the concert and it rained all through supper. We just wanted it to stop so we would be drenched through this whole thing. It did stop. What we did not take into consideration was the previous 2 concerts that had been there the 2 nights before. One of those being Buzz Fest. So we have teenagers of all kinds drinking and sliding down a wet, muddy hill the day before. When we got up to the hill not only was it covered in people it was COVERED in mud. And most people were already muddy from head to toe. So we found a spot, squishing along the way, and we put down our tarp (thank goodness for the tarp) and sat down. At this point it is impossible to keep the mud off the tarp because there are so many people walking around. So we embraced the mud, embraced the humidity and damp hair, embraced the drunk teenagers next to us and enjoyed the concert. All and all we really did have a good time and we definitely have a story to tell! | View | Add Favorite
Now Jacquie, you don't have to cover up for your husband! We all know the picture of the person with the cigarette and muddy boots was Spruce :)
Looks like a fabulous good time!
Actually, no that wasn't me. However, that guy did become my new best friend during the concert. We had several deep conversations or as deep as you can get with a guy who has had 3/4 of a bottle of Jack and countless shots (the other guy, not me). At one point he told me that I was his &%*#!*% mentor. I asked him if I could be his regular mentor instead of his &%*#!% one. He said yes.
Haha! Spruce, that's one of those little stories in life that just put a smile on my face. Thank you :)
Girl, it looks like a BLAST!! I love Rascal Flats! They're one of those bands I never get tired of hearing. Anyway, how's the rest of life? Summer is my favorite season, and things are awesome here! Tell Mindy hi for me, I miss that girl!!!
loriloo- I thought the cigarette was Spruce's also. Then I remembered that he only smokes Camels, not Marlboros. NOW I believe you Spruce.
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