Silk Dyed Eggs
Make sure the front of the fabric is laying against the egg and wrap it. One of the problems I made with this being my first time to do it is that I didn't get the fabric flat enough. It still worked out great but it would have been better if I had gotten it flatter on the egg. Cut apart the tie and take out all the backing. One tie will easily do 3 eggs or so.
Wrap in another fabric. I had some old thin, burp clothes in the garage we were using as rags. I just cut them up and wrap them again. The ties will bleed in the water and you don't want it bleeding onto the other eggs!
Carefully putting them in the pot.
Bring them to a boil with a pot of water and 1/2 cup of white vinegar then simmer for 20 minutes. We pulled them out with tongs and put them in a strainer in the sink to cool down.
Cut them open and see what you got! The funny thing they say on Our Best Bites is the uglier the tie the prettier the eggs! It's totally true. I had some hideous ties and the eggs turned out beautiful! This was a jungle scene and the eggs is so cool! You can see the tiger perfectly on the egg!
This one turned out lighter than I expected!
I love the paisley on this one!
I was really disappointed in this one. The tie had these cute fish on them and if you look at it up close you can see it but I think the colors were just too light to transfer!